Category: Cisco

Cisco CLI shortcuts

So, another addition to a base config, you can save yourself some precious time with these nifty alias shortcuts… My favorites, are; SRI – pipes the ‘include’ statement to a show run, probably my favorite R1(config)#alias exec sri show run | include SHIP – really lazy command, but every second counts when troubleshooting problem R1(config)#alias

Cisco ASA, Email Alerts

This little used feature (at least in my experience) is actually quite useful and works with all ASA versions. The Cisco ASA 55xx Firewalls are actually able to send you an email based on *any* syslog’s that may be generated. This is very useful when you don’t run a syslog server, or just want some

Documentation IP Address's

Throughout all my posts I will be using IP addressing that is purposefully reserved globally for use in documentation, these ranges are; (TEST-NET-1) (TEST-NET-2) (TEST-NET-3) You can read more about this in RFC5737 and I generally use these ranges to document internet connectivity in addition to the standard RFC1918 addressing for internal

Basic Cisco Template

I have a template that I apply each and every time I configure a Cisco router or switch. I find it disheartening that a lot of people don’t take the care and attention to disable unused services and secure the used one’s properly. You only have to do a simple search on SHODAN (free login